The Band Was Blowin’ Up
I accidentally left the heavy-metal Christian songwriter’s demo out in the loft, with “Demons of the Devil” on it, the song about his pets climbing on the furniture, and it became a HUGE hit among my drunk roommates. They would play it non-stop, sing the chorus while entering a bar, and demanded that he join the band. They visited him downstairs, in the adult bookstore where he worked, and he gave them free biker-chick magazines, from the discount rack. They taped some of those pics up on the walls of my loft, with much amusement, and added more suggestive leather mag girls, for spice. I told the Christian guy to stop giving them that crap, and encouraging the design project, but he said drunk guys were the best for business, because they always came back, loaded and later, for more. Then he smiled, and told me that my bass player had just purchased a Blow-Up Doll!! I headed immediately to the bar to find out more. I began questioning the Bass-man slyly, saying I was so out of breath, I could barely blow up a balloon.. And, wasn’t he tired of inflated egos?.. Are there any real girls in this town?.. but, got back only blank stares from him. So finally, I asked him directly, and he rolled his eyes, the memory of a drunken doll-purchase returning, “Oh, that damn thing?? It LEAKS like Hell!.. And I’m taking it back.”