She Was Not a Muse
For a while I hit a poetry open-mic, which welcomed original songs, but I would also try my hand at poetry, in a magical-realist style. This poem is about telling a beautiful woman she is your “muse,” and her telling you she is not!
I Lost All My Poems by frank martyn
I lost all my poems
that I kept in my jacket pocket
because I lost the jacket
with my car keys in it
and walked
until I was too drunk to walk
I saw you riding on top of the bus
you pulled me up
and found the poems
in a locket around your neck
tiny pieces of paper
dotted needle points
All the poems about you
butterflies escaped your lips saying
I am not your poems
that can’t be
poems cannot be love
love is big and
more than enough
poetry is what we say
if true it
flies away
nothing is gone
that’s the cost
poetry is always lost (: